var res={ "lbDeliveryCharges": "Shipping Charge", "lbRemove": "移除", "txFree": "Free", "btnCancel": "取消", "Products": "产品", "HeaderFooterMaster_EnterPass": "Please enter your password.", "HeaderFooterMaster_LoginDes": "Sign In", "SearchInputValue": "搜索", "SearchNoResults": "

无法找到您需要的信息。 您要找的是不是...


Sound Blaster






", "SearchCancel": "取消搜索", "SearchDisplaying": "显示关于 \"{1}\" 的前 {0} 条结果", "SearchingTip": "搜索关键词“{0}”", "SearchLoading": "正在加载…", "SearchNoResultsText": "未找到有关 \"{0}\" 的结果。", "SearchNoResultsTip": "请优化搜索并重试。", "SearchResults": "搜索结果", "SearchViewAll": "查看全部结果", "txtCompareProductsErrorInfo": "请添加至少两个产品。 一次最多可比较四个产品。", "txtBundleOffers": "Bundled Offers", "txtHeadphones": "耳机", "txtMp3Players": "MP3 播放机", "txtSearch": "搜索", "txtSearchH1": "选择以下任意区域以优化搜索。", "txtSearchMoreResult": "To show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the {0} already displayed.
If you like, you can {1} search with the omitted results included{2}
", "txtSearchNotFound": "There are no results for \"{0}\". Please refine your search.", "txtSearchResult": "搜索结果", "txtSearchTotleSearch": "Total Search Result for Keywords \"{0}\": {1}", "txtSpeakers": "音箱", "txtSearchHeadphones": "耳塞&耳机", "txtSearchMp3Accessories": "MP3 Accessories", "txtSearchMp3Players": "MP3 Players", "txtSearchMp3Speakers": "音箱", "txtSearchPocketVideoCams": "Pocket Video Cams", "txtSearchSoundBlaster": "Sound Blaster", "txtSearchWebCameras": "网络摄像头", "txtSearchWholeSite": "整个网站", "txtSearchNext": "下一步", "txtSearchPrev": "上一页", "txtUseSearch": "使用上方搜索栏。", "txtSearchEntertainmentDevices": "Entertainment Devices / MP3 Players", "btnSearch": "搜索", "lbSearchOrder": "Search Order Number", "lblFree": "Free", "lblOrderDate": "Order Date", "lblOrderNumber": "Order Number", "BundledOffers": "Bundled Offers", "LearnMore": "了解更多", "LearnMore_Compare": "对比", "LearnMore_Gallery": "图库", "More": "更多", "Page_compare": "对比", "Page_features": "产品特点", "Page_packageContents": "盒内部件", "Page_technicalSpecifications": "技术规格", "ProductAvailability": "Avail.", "ProductBuy": "Buy", "ErrorInfo_EmailFormat": "请输入一个有效的电子邮件", "ReadFullReview": "阅读全部评论", "txtNoProducts": "



", "txtAddToCompare": "加入对比", "txtCompareNotice": "仅支持最多四个产品间进行比较。 请移除一个产品后再添加其他产品。", "ResetFilters": "重置过滤器", "bcMyAccount": "Account", "Continue": "关闭", "EmailAddress": "电子邮件地址", "FreeItems": "Free Item(s)", "Select": "选择", "YouHaveJustAdded": "YOU HAVE JUST ADDED", "SearchRMANumber": "搜索RMA号码", "item_Acc": "配件", "item_ArchPd": "较早的产品", "item_FAQ": "Creative Store FAQ", "item_SpkSys": "音箱", "item_WebCam": "网络摄像头", "ttl_Contact": "联系我们", "Month_Aug": "八月", "FailedMsg": "我们遇到了一个错误。 请再试一次。", "HelpTab": "帮助", "Logout": "Sign Out", "CustomerLogin_EmailError": "请输入有效的电子邮件地址。", "EditProfile_UpdateSuccessful": "您的个人资料已经更新。", "EditShippingAddress_RemoveConfirm": "Please confirm that you would like to remove this shipping address.", "txtSearchCatWhole": " Whole Site", "txtSearchCollection": "store_UK", "txtSearchFound": "搜索结果为“{0}”", "txtEMU": "E-MU", "sortby": "排序依据", "SearchInputValue1": "", "Mobile_SearchText": "Search Products", "lb_SignIn": "Sign In", "Warranty": "保修", "price": "Price", "shipping": "Shipping", "Mobile_AccountProfile": "Account Profile", "txOrderCancellationNotAvailable": "

Your order has been processed, and is no longer open for cancellation. You have the option to return the product to us, subject to the criteria of our returns policy. For more details, please refer to our Warranty & Returns section.

", "txOrderCancellationSuccessful": "Your order has been cancelled. You will receive an email confirmation shortly.", "txOrderCancellationFailed": "

Your order has been processed, and is no longer open for cancellation.

", "HeaderFooterMaster_Welcome": "Welcome {0},", "LearnMore_Video": "Videos", "txOrderCancellationSuccessful2": "

We would like to inform you that the request to cancel your order has been processed. The charged amount has been cancelled, and it should be reversed in your credit card or bank statement. You will receive an email confirmation shortly. If you have any questions regarding your cancellation, please contact the Creative Store (Pan Euro).

Thank you for shopping with us.

", "Warranty_1_Year": "1 年有限硬件保修", "Wireless_Gaming_Headsets": "无线游戏耳机", "txt_selectfreeitem": "Select {0} of these free item(s) with each purchase", "shoponline": "SHOP ONLINE", "faq_text": "常见问题", "headphones": "耳机", "POPULAR": "热门", "NEWEST": "最新", "remove_all": "全部移除", "compare_items": "对比{0}个产品", "comparing_items": "对比{0}个产品", "txt_searchneedhelp": "


", "Comments": "咨询问题的详细描述", "menu_orders": "Orders", "hdRecentOrders": "Recent Orders", "lbViewAllOrders": "查看全部订单", "WhereMyPackage": "包裹快递查询?", "ReceivedWrongDamagedItem": "Received Wrong / Damaged Items", "ReturnProduct": "退货", "CheckRMAStatus": "查看 RMA 状态", "Others": "其他", "ACloserLookAtYourProduct": "深入了解产品", "AndroidDevices": "Android 设备", "AskAQuestion": "您的问题", "CompareNItems": "对比{0}个产品", "ComparingNItems": "对比{0}个产品", "CorporateSalesEnquiry": "企业销售咨询", "DeleteAddress": "Delete Address", "DownloadDrivers": "下载驱动程序", "EnquirySubmitted1": "您的问题已提交。我们将在 2 个工作日内给您答复。", "FAQ": "常见问题与解答 (FAQ)", "GamingHeadsets": "游戏耳麦", "GeneralEnquiry": "一般咨询", "NotifiedViaEmailWhenAnswered": "当问题得到解答后会通过电子邮件通知您。", "OnlineStoreEnquiry": "在线商店查询", "OrderStatus": "订单状态", "OwnersManual": "用户手册", "PleaseEnterYourComments": "请输入您的咨询问题的详细描述。", "PleaseEnterYourCompanyName": "请输入公司名称。", "PleaseEnterYourQuestion": "请输入您的提问", "PresalesEnquiry": "售前咨询", "PressSampleRequest": "新闻样本", "ProductPromotionEnquiry": "产品/促销咨询", "QuestionSubmittedSuccessfully": "您的问题已经提交成功。", "ReceivedDamagedWrongItems": "收到损坏/错误的项目", "RemoveShippingAddress": "Remove Shipping Address", "SelectCategory": "选择产品类别", "SoundCards": "声卡", "SystemRequirements": "系统需求", "TechnicalSupportEnquiry": "技术支持咨询", "ThisProductIsCompatibleWith": "该产品兼容", "WebsiteFeedback": "网站反馈", "YourPasswordHasBeenUpdated": "Your password has been updated.", "EmailHasBeenRegisteredTryAgain": "{0} has already been registered. Please try again.", "allowustoclarifyanyquestions": "请允许我们澄清您对此产品的任何疑问。 有关技术支持的问题,请通过此专用表单与我们联系,以便更快地回复。", "BeingRedirected": "Du bliver nu omdirigeret til", "ProvideInformation": "Dette websted vil giver oplysninger om Creative på engelsk.", "shoponlieclickhere": "Hvis du ikke bliver omdirigeret automatisk, skal du klikke her.", "shoponlineshowmessage": "Vis ikke denne meddelelse igen.", "freeshipping": "Free Shipping", "MarketingAndAdvertising": "市场营销与广告", "wireless_headphones": "无线耳机", "external_sound_cards": "外置声卡", "marketingadvertising": "营销&广告", "accountregistered": "This email address has an account registered with us.
Please enter your password to sign into your Creative Store account.", "txt_Windows10Compatible": "查看Windows® 10 - 产品驱动支持情况", "softwarelink_countdown_window_content": "

您将在 5 秒重定向到我们的软件商店。

继续", "corporatepriceunits": "{0} - {1} Units", "corporatepricelast": "{0} Units or more", "pleaseselectfreeitem": "Select {0} Free Item(s)", "txtSoftware": "软件", "CancelOrder": "取消订单", "RelatedProducts": "相关产品", "hdrCheckOrderStatus": "Check Order Status", "GetInTouchRegardingEnquiry": "如果您仍想与我们联系,请向我们提供有关您的查询的更多信息。", "buy_promotext": "CREATIVE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM
Buy from Creative Store to earn member's points and enjoy free shipping on orders €79 and above! 30-day satisfaction guaranteed.", "members_points": "Member’s Points", "to_qualify_for_free_shipping": "{{freeShipThreshold}} to qualify for free shipping.", "completed": "完成", "ToDeliverOn": "Delivered on {0}", "ToDeliveredBy": "To deliver by {0}", "not_eligible": "Not eligible", "OtherStoreEnquiries": "其他商店咨询", "txtOrdersNotAvailableForCancel": "No orders are currently available for cancellation.", "membership_program": "Membership Program", "tax_removed": "Your tax amount have been removed from this order.", "tax_added": "A tax amount of {0} has been added for this order.", "points_removed": "Your Member's Points have been removed from this order.", "points_redeemed": "An amount of ${0} ({1} Member's Points) has been redeemed for this order.", "cart_combined": "Your cart contains previously-saved items that have now been combined with this session. Please review your Cart prior to completing your purchase.", "shop": "Shop", "peripherals": "外设", "sound_cards": "Sound Cards", "amplifiers": "放大器", "desktop_amps": "桌面放大器", "headphone_amps": "耳机放大器", "portable_headphone_amps": "便携式耳机放大器", "usb_dacs": "USB DACs", "view_all_x": "浏览所有{0}产品", "portable_speakers": "便携式音箱", "stereo_speakers": "立体声音箱", "multi_channel_speakers": "多声道音箱", "internal_sound_cards": "内置声卡", "multi_channel_sound_cards": "多声道声卡", "recording": "录音", "blsterx_pro_gaming_headsets": "BlasterX Pro 游戏耳机", "multi_platform_gaming_headsets": "多平台游戏耳机", "ps4_headsets": "PlayStation®4游戏耳机", "anc_headphones": "ANC 耳机", "over_the_ear_on_ear_headphones": "耳罩式/头戴式耳机", "inear_headphones": "入耳式耳机", "PleaseSelectAnEnquiry": "请选择一个查询", "downloads": "下载", "reviews": "评测", "compare_category": "对比 {0}", "compare_select_products": "至多选择四款产品", "instock_items": "In-Stock Items", "remove_from_compare": "从对比表中移出", "na_to_compare": "无法比较", "filters": "过滤器", "cat-desc-amplifiers": "让您的娱乐摇滚起来,充满力量和清晰度。 作为娱乐的心跳,放大器是驱动音频性能的引擎。 无论您的激情在何处,都有适合您生活的耳机放大器。", "cat-desc-sound-cards": "为您的音频提供应有的质量,毕竟细节很重要。 Sound Blaster是一个充满传奇色彩的名称,以其名义销售了4亿件产品。 使用适合您的Sound Blaster重新发现您的音频潜力。", "cat-desc-speakers": "通过我们范围广泛且精心设计的家庭影院条形音箱系统,2.0桌面音箱和无线蓝牙™音箱,一次性升级您的音频体验至一个新的水平。", "cat-desc-headphones-headsets": "查看我们种类繁多的耳机,从 TWS防汗耳塞到头戴式耳机以及无线耳机,旨在提供高解析度音频,同时展现出适合全天佩戴的舒适感和时尚感。", "cat-desc-gaming-headsets": "远处有枪声爆炸。 但是你现在关心的是即将到来的厄运的脚步 - 你的敌人的脚步声越来越大。 你要做什么?", "cat-desc-peripherals": "开始多媒体探险之旅,并通过各种外围设备让Creative的产品更加丰富。 您体验所需的一切就在这里。", "cat-desc-accessories": "获取 Creative 产品的理想配件。 我们提供种类繁多的配件,如立体声线缆、耳罩垫等,让您的娱乐体验始终保持更佳状态。", "cat-desc-bundled-offers": "热爱Creative的产品,享受这些套餐优惠带来的巨大开支节省。我们的套餐为您提供了两全其美的服务,并在这里独家提供。", "cat-desc-archived-products": "此产品归档表示已经停产的产品列表。 归档的产品页面被保留以继续为客户提供信息服务,并且不再销售。", "filters_305|306": "耳罩式/头戴式耳机", "filters_287|288": "立体声音箱", "filters_280|281": "多平台游戏耳机", "review_sent": "Your review has been sent and it is pending approval.", "once_approved_will_appear": "Once approved, it will appear on our product page, where it will help other customers make better decisions.", "backToTop": "返回顶部", "pre_applied_filter": "Pre-applied filter", "promo": "Promo", "bluetooth_speakers": "蓝牙音箱", "EnquirySubmitted_Priority": "感谢您与我们联系。我们会在下一个工作日回复您", "ForDevelopersOnly": "仅适用于开发者", "DeveloperEnquiry": "开发者咨询", "item_gdpr": "Personal Data Protection Policy (GDPR)", "GDPR_RelatedRequest": "EU GDPR", "GDPR_Info_Request": "Request a copy of the data held about me", "GDPR_RectificationRequest": "Right to Rectify Errors", "GDPR_DeleteMyAccount": "Delete my account", "GDPR_WithdrawalConsent": "Right of Withdrawal of Consent", "GDPR_OtherRelatedRequest": "Other GDPR-Related Request", "GDPR_EUGDPR": "EU GDPR", "GDPR_DataPortability": "Right of Data Portability", "GDPR_ObjectToProcess": "Right of Objection to Processing", "GDPR_GeneralEnquries": "General Enquiries", "GDPR_Erasure": "Right of Erasure", "cookie_settings_saved": "Your cookie settings have been saved.", "passed7dayscannotreturn": "This order has been purchased more than 7 days ago, and can no longer be returned.", "SatisfactionGuaranteeEnquiry": "14 Days Satisfaction Guarantee Enquiries", "CorporatePurchase": "Corporate Purchase", "ErrorContent": "You are seeing this because an unexpected error has occurred. Our engineers have been notified of the problem and will fix it as soon as possible.", "ProductsSponsorship": "Product Sponsorship", "ProductReviewer": "产品评测", "ProductCollaboration": "产品合作", "RetailerDistributorApplication": "代理销售申请", "ReceivedDamagedItem": "收到损坏的产品", "ReceivedWrongItem": "收到错误的产品", "SalesAndPromotion": "打折促销", "CorporateSalesBulkPurchase": "行单/批量购买", "SponsorshipRequest": "赞助请求", "ProductFeaturesAndSpecifications": "产品功能/规格", "TechnicalAssistance": "技术援助", "ProductWarrantyReplacement": "产品保修维修", "CheckReplacementReturnStatus": "检查保修/退款状态", "PartnerProgramme": "合作伙伴计划", "ProductSupport": "产品支持", "chatbot_greeting": "Hi there! I'm Claire, Creative's new Virtual Assistant. How can I help you today?", "chatbot_get_order_number": "What's your order number?", "chatbot_get_email": "What's the email address you used to make the purchase?", "chatbot_orderstatus_0": "Unfortunately, part of your order is still on back-order. We're currently waiting for inventory to arrive in our fulfilment center, before we can dispatch them to you. We expect your entire order to be delivered by the dates communicated in your order confirmation email.", "chatbot_orderstatus_13": "Your order has been received by us, and is currently being processed by our team. Look out for a shipping confirmation email with the tracking details when your order has left our warehouse.", "chatbot_orderstatus_hold": "Your order has been received by us, and is currently being processed by our team. There's a chance that you may be required to verify your payment information—you will be informed by email if you have been selected.,Your order has been received by us, and is currently being processed by our team. There's a chance that you may be required to verify your payment information—you will be informed by email if you have been selected.", "chatbot_orderstatus_1": "Your order has been received by us, and is currently being processed by our team. Look out for a shipping confirmation email with the tracking details when your order has left our warehouse.", "chatbot_orderstatus_4": "According to our records, your order has been cancelled at your request.", "chatbot_orderstatus_3": "According to our records, your order has been cancelled by Creative. Do check your email for more details concerning this cancellation.", "chatbot_orderstatus_24": "Your order has been received by us, and is currently being prepared for shipment at our fulfiment center. Look out for a shipping confirmation email with the tracking details when your order has left our warehouse.", "chatbot_orderstatus_2": "According to our records, your order has left our warehouse, and is currently en route to you. \\n At this point, do contact the courier directly if you require any further changes to your delivery date, delivery address, or if you would like to enquire on the delivery status. \\n For further assistance, we can transfer you to a human agent for additional help.", "chatbot_orderstatus_delivered": "According to our records, you order has been delivered.", "chatbot_order_shipped": "According to our records, your order has left our warehouse, and is currently en route to you. \\n\\nEstimated arrival: \\n{estShip1} — {estShip2}\\n\\nTracking number:\\n{TrackingCode}\\n\\nTracking URL: \\n{TrackingURL}\\n\\nAt this point, do contact the courier directly if you require any further changes to your delivery date, delivery address, or if you would like to enquire on the delivery status. ", "chatbot_invalid_email": "We're sorry, your order number and email address does not match. Please try again with the correct email address used to place this order.", "chatbot_invalid_order": "We're sorry, we couldn't find order number {orderNumber} in our records. Please try again with a valid order number.", "chatbot_cancel_successful": "Your order has been successfully cancelled. We'll also be sending you an email confirmation shortly.", "chatbot_cancel_successful2": "Your order has been successfully cancelled. \\nThe amount charged to your payment method has been cancelled, and depending on your credit card or bank, it may take up to 10 working days to be reversed in your transaction statement. We'll also be sending you an email confirmation shortly.\\nFor further assistance, we can transfer you to a live agent for additional help.", "chatbot_cancel_successful3": "Your order cancellation is currently being processed. \\n We'll also be sending you an email confirmation when your payment has been successfully reversed in our system. This may take up to 2 business days. \\n For further assistance, we can transfer you to a human agent for additional help.", "chatbot_cancel_disabled": "Unfortunately, your order has been handed off to our fulfilment center, and can no longer be cancelled. Don't worry, you may have the option of returning the order back to us.\\nHere's more information on our return policy for orders placed with us:\\nFor further assistance, we can transfer you to a human agent for additional help.", "chatbot_payment_methods_available": "We currently accept payment via the following methods:\\n- Visa \\n- MasterCard\\n- PayPal\\n\\n", "chatbot_shipping_countries": "These are the countries we currently deliver to.\\n", "chatbot_warranty_policies": "Here's more information on our return and warranty policies:", "chatbot_no_agents": "I'm sorry, I'm the only one on duty at the moment. Live agents come online from 9AM to 5.30PM. \\nAlternatively, you can also email us through this link:", "chatbot_unable_to_help_transfer": "I'm sorry, I can't seem to understand your text. Let me transfer you to a live agent to assist you.", "chatbot_dun_understand": "I'm sorry, I can't seem to understand your text. Could you try phrasing your question differently? Alternatively, I can transfer you to a live agent to assist you.", "chatbot_cancel_confirm": "Are you sure you want to cancel order number {orderNumber}?", "chatbot_cancel_nocancel": "Ok, we won't cancel your order.", "chatbot_mailinglist_subscribed": "I've subscribed you to the Creative Newsletter. You are on your way to more great deals and promotions!", "chatbot_subscribe_to_newsletter": "To get the latest news about our promotions and promo codes, please sign up for our newsletter. If you wish to proceed, can I have your email address?", "chatbot_agents_offline": "Live agents are currently offline. Our chat operating hours are Mondays to Fridays (Excluding Public Holidays): 9:00AM to 5:30PM (SGT). Alternatively, you can email us at this link:", "chatbot_nosubscribe": "Ok, I won't subscribe you to our newsletter.", "chatbot_consent_subscribe": "Do you consent to Creative Labs sending you emails on promotions and special offers? \\n\\nThis might involve sharing your email address with such third-party sites. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at", "chatbot_apply_promo_code": "Applying your Promo Code is extremely easy. Simply add your desired products to Cart. In the Cart Page, click on the \\\"Enter Code\\\" listed at the bottom of the page (located below \\\"Subtotal\\\"), enter your Promo Code, then click \\\"Apply\\\". Your Promo Code will be applied to the Cart, and the discount will then be reflected on your order.", "chatbot_change_delivery_timing": "Unfortunately, we're unable to expedite the delivery of orders. If you would like to change delivery to a different date, do contact the couriers directly through the information provided in your shipping confirmation email.", "chatbot_amend_order": "As your request is time sensitive, the best way to ensure your order is rectified in time is to cancel your existing order, and place a brand new order again. This option is available if the order status is \\\"Processing\\\". If your order has been processed and sent to our fulfilment center, we are unable to cancel it, nor are we able to make further changes to it on your behalf.", "chatbot_showroom": "You can visit our Experience Center to play, learn, and explore our products.\\nBenefit from our specialized, one-to-one customer service provided by our professionally-trained staff and purchase with confidence.\\n\\nMake a reservation via this link: \\n\\n\\nADDRESS:\\nCreative Experience Center\\n31 International Business Park #03-01 (Lobby C)\\nSingapore 609921\\n\\nOPERATING HOURS: \\nMondays to Fridays: 9AM TO 7PM\\nSaturdays: 10AM to 2PM\\nSundays and Public Holidays: Closed\\n", "chatbot_self_collect": "Self Collection is not available at this time. \\n\\nYou may purchase directly from our Experience Centre.\\n\\nADDRESS:\\nCreative Experience Center\\n31 International Business Park #03-01 (Lobby C)\\nSingapore 609921\\n\\nOPERATING HOURS: \\nMondays to Fridays: 9AM TO 7PM\\nSaturdays: 10AM to 2PM\\nSundays and Public Holidays: Closed\\n", "chatbot_refurb_products": "Creative's refurbished stock are products that were returned by customers for varied reasons. Every certified refurbished product is thoroughly tested and has completed a stringent process to ensure no fault was found and each item meets approved standards, same as new Creative products. All refurbished products come with a 90-day limited hardware warranty.", "chatbot_what_is_membership_point": "The Creative Store Membership Program is our way of rewarding you as you shop with us at Simply start by registering an account with us or make a purchase. There are also other ways to earn points!\\n\\nThese points are automatically converted into store credits that you can use to offset your subsequent purchase(s) without being limited to minimum spend requirements or redemption blocks.\\n\\nFor more information, visit:", "chatbot_did_not_get_points": "Points are calculated based on the price of each individual product line item in your order with a maximum price cap of $800.\\n\\nPoints are also calculated based on the final price paid after applicable discount and promotions, Promo Code applied, and points redemption.\\n\\nSelected products at Creative's discretion, will not be eligible to receive points.\\n\\nIf you believe that there's a mistake with your points, please contact us via:\\n", "price_range": "Price Range", "chat_greeting": "If you're contacting us to enquire about the date your order will be dispatched, please note that we are committed to deliver all orders within the communicated window. Due to any unforeseen circumstances, if you have not received your order within the stipulated timeframe, please get in touch with us for further assistance.", "chat_type_of_enquiry": "Type of Enquiry", "checkout_prop65_warning": "

CALIFORNIA WARNING: Product(s) can expose to chemicals including Lead, a carcinogen and reproductive toxicant -

Learn More about CA Warning ›

", "prop65_products": "0", "select_attribute": "选择 [attr]", "JobOpportunity": "Job Opportunity", "shipping_charge_removed": "Your shipping charge has been removed.", "shipping_charge_adjusted": "Your shipping charge has been adjusted to {0}.", "delivery_to_country": "Delivery to {0}:", "CURRENTCOUNTRYNAME": "中国", "SECURESERVER": "", "NORMALSTORESERVER": "", "CURRENCYFORMAT": "{0:$#,##0.00;-$#,##0.00;$0.00}", "IMAGESERVER": "" };