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作為創新音箱系列的新成員,Creative Stage V2以新款Sound Blaster技術和多合一連接方式閃亮登場。
Creative Stage V2憑借Sound Blaster專業技術提供的Clear Dialog和Surround音頻處理技術,可提高人聲清晰度和擴大環繞聲效果,讓您在家中舒適地享受電影院般的體驗。Creative Stage V2音箱及其專用低音炮的寬廣豐富音頻和深沉震撼的低音可充滿您的客廳。
Creative Stage V2也擁有多項連接方式,適用于大部分設備,可成為您的一站式音頻娛樂系統。
您的4K電視機看起來炫酷又有形,但其聲音效果卻往往配不上它的外觀。想要提升您的觀看體驗,只需配上Creative Stage V2,即可使您的電視機擁有配得上它的音頻。沉浸在電影或游戲中時,Creative Stage V2通過其定制的中音驅動單元和隨附的長焦低音炮帶來的強勁重低音,為您帶來非凡的音質,讓您沉浸在電影或游戲中。
不必再擔心強大的低音會淹沒對話細節和其他聲音細節。 Creative Stage V2配備了Sound Blaster的Clear Dialog和Surround音頻處理技術,可為您提供更好的人聲清晰度和寬廣的環繞聲體驗。 您可以在自己舒適的家中享受類似電影院的體驗,亦可以全神貫注于屏幕而無需閱讀字幕就可以聽清所有對話。
利用Sound Blaster技術為您提供的環繞聲技術,讓您身臨其境般的電影體驗獲得更廣闊的音場!它通過Sound Blaster的音頻過濾器識別和增強輸入音頻的空間信息,從而優化立體聲和多聲道音源內容的聆聽體驗。 它還可以擴展聲場和對來自不同類型的音頻源(包括Netflix,HBO和Amazon Prime Video)進行空間化音頻,從而為您提供類似于電影院的更真實,更舒適的聆聽體驗。
當您的電影或游戲帶有豐富的音頻時固然很棒,但如果人聲對話被淹沒在爆炸性的聲音效果和音樂中,那就太令人失望了。Clear Dialog功能通過計算程序提取人聲和對話,然后智能地增強和放大,使您可以清晰地聽到每個音節,而又不影響其他環境效果。
Creative Stage V2有您能想到的所有可能的連接選項,可以將其變成一站式音頻娛樂系統。它不僅僅適用于電視,還適用于電腦,手機,平板和游戲機,如 PS4™和任天堂 Switch™等。
Creative Stage V2可以通過紅外遙控器*方便地操控,該遙控器不僅使您可以方便地控制播放功能,而且還可以調節高低音設置,更改輸入選項,同時還可以開關Clear Dialog和Surround設置。
Creative Stage V2擁有簡約時尚的設計,無論室內設計如何,均可很好地融合到任何風格的房間。Creative Stage V2可巧妙地襯托您的電視機,不會從屏幕上奪走任何注意力,因為它的存在只會讓您電視的聲音響亮而清晰。
空間有限(或喜歡更簡約的裝修)的用戶,Creative Stage V2也可壁掛安裝,因此也可以將其掛在電視下方的墻壁上。
This budget soundbar from Creative is an absolute triumph. The Creative Stage V2 has to be the best soundbar in its price range and it both looks good and feels well made. The sound from the Stage V2 is brilliant for the money.
The Creative Stage V2 is a budget soundbar, but you won’t know just from listening to it. With a dedicated subwoofer backing up the main bar, the Stage V2 delivers crisp, clear audio that can gain some extra width through the Surround mode. It’s also particularly easy to set up and use, so makes an excellent choice for anyone upgrading from their integrated TV speakers for the first time.
Best Soundbar
One should never expect a soundbar to replace a full-blown home theatre experience, but what you should expect is a vast improvement over your TV’s default speakers, and to this extent the Creative Stage v2 does a decent job. It showcases brilliant clarity for voices, thanks to its Clear Dialog feature, so every word and syllable sounds crisp and clear.
Great Sound, Easy installation with HDMI Arc
Compact and light, yet decent sound at a reasonable price. The revamped remote control is a big leap from the previous version.
Delivered in time , amazing soundbar and the audio quality. The only thing that i would have prefer is that the power cable was a bit longer and the sound bar had some type of cable management for better and cleaner looks when i mount it but it doesn't bother me. 5/5 !