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Creative SXFI THEATER影院者 無線耳機能讓您在電腦*上體驗到電影院里波瀾壯闊場面時的音響效果。它通過聲晰飛全息耳機音響技術加上其獨特的個性化定制程序-簡單地用手機拍三張頭部及耳部的照片,便能為您量身定制其獨有的個性化音響。無論是通過網上串流的最新電影,或是通過騰訊視頻、 愛奇藝、優酷等平臺觀看視頻,影院者帶給您的全息音響技術體驗將是如身臨電影院所體驗到的那么逼真、那么震撼,能與天比真!
(*影院者 也可用在PS4上。其他設備如手機或NINTENDO SWITCH,若附有能輸出音頻的USB端口,也能使用。)
影院者讓您舒適地在家中體驗聲晰飛波瀾壯闊的電影院音響效果,沒有煩人的線纜束縛,也沒有影像與音頻不協調、不同步的糟糕體驗,影院者的無線低延時音頻技術帶給您完美的聽覺享受。 和一般藍牙耳機相比,影院者有更高質量與更低延時的音頻傳播,它通過一個插在電腦上的無線USB播放器(SXFI TX)中的內置UltraDSP芯片來處理聲晰飛全息音響技術,并采用了一個獨特的數字音頻傳播技術。
若是要連接到其他非USB器材,可使用隨產品附送的一條3.5 mm AUX-in輸入線,因為是沒有電源的被動模式,此時將不會有聲晰飛處理效果。
不僅僅是帶給您高品質的音頻享受,影院者還帶給您舒適的聽覺體驗! 影院者高品質的柔軟人工蛋白皮耳罩墊舒適地套在您的耳朵上,即便是長時間戴著,仍然舒適萬分,而且簡單輕易,隨時隨意可以替換。
特制調校的50 mm釹磁鐵喇叭單元,給您所喜愛的樂曲,帶來強有力的音頻,又同時保有高保真的清晰度與均衡音質。
The SXFI Theater is a fantastic gaming headset, despite its microphone woes. The Super X-Fi surround-sound technology is the stand-out feature and has made the Theater my go-to headset for all of my gaming sessions. If you're looking for an awesome audio experience to accompany your gameplay, then the SXFI Theater will not disappoint.
Movies and TV shows sounded great, giving us a wide soundstage to listen to, providing more depth to the audio engineering that went into the content. When we watched Iron Man 3, for example, we could feel the effect go to work with all the various sound effects coming from different directions.
3.5/5 Stars
In my time as a writer for GBAtemp, no product has better justified its premium price point as the Creative SXFI Theater have. Where other low latency headsets I've used have put forward audio that sounds perfect to what I remember it should, these go beyond. From the clicks the Switch menu makes to elaborate title screen melodies, films, music, it hits every note to an exceptional and engrossing degree. These are headphones for gamers, streamers, audiophiles, film fanatics; they're an all-round treat for anybody fortunate enough to experience them. If you're in the market for some new headphones, I urge you to consider these. At £190, they're worth waiting for, and they're more than worth saving for.
Wow!! Wonderful product!
I already had the original super xfi dongle with the Aurvana Live!2 and was pretty impressed with the quality but I've been quite bothered with the wires tangled up often. Then I saw the SXFI C on offer and thought that would be a good upgrade but have reservations about bluetooth on desktop. Saw the SXFI Theater, thought skeptical at the price point at first, decided to give it a try after much thought. Turns out the SXFI Theater is a beast on its own with the distanced sound effect even more pronounced than its predecessor. It breathed new life to old tracks, mainly game OSTs, arranged albums that goes all the way back at least 10 years ago. With orchestral tracks in high bitrate mp3 or flac or spotify high definition, the effect is even more gorgeous than before. In games with surround sound option, the direction of every sound was also much clearer in distance and direction that it adds on another dimension in gaming sessions. For the first time in a long time, Creative is exciting and relevant again for casuals who are not ready to invest in audiophile level equipment.
This is easily the best headset I've ever owned. I don't understand how the gaming community hasn't gotten behind these fantastic cans! For certain games I'll keep the SXFI Theater in stereo mode just because that specific game has a great stereo mix and the sound will be phenomenal. When the game has speaker support, oh boy you're in for treat when turning on SXFI. It really immerses you into the game! The difference is quite amazing with SXFI. Oh, and, I've used them for multiple days without having to charge once - crazy battery! Also, super comfortable with glasses being worn. It's a must buy.